Friday, 7 October 2011

Scaverous - part 2: Detention!

I stood in front of Scaverous again last night and the game had quite a different flavour. My opponent Adam, who doesn’t often come to the Cross Gaming Club, used a Tier 2 list:

Lord Exhumator Scaverous
* Deathripper
* Deathripper
* Deathjack
* Erebus
* Skarlock Thrall
Cephalyx Overlords
Necrosurgeon & 3 Stitch Thralls
The Withershadow Combine
Darragh Wrathe
Necrotech & 1 Scrap Thrall
Necrotech & 1 Scrap Thrall
Pistol Wraith
Pistol Wraith
Warwitch Siren

My list was the same as Tuesday night’s game except for the fact that I changed the Krea for a Drake. I won the roll-off again and decided to go first. 

So, first I Mordi advanced and laid down his upkeep spells on the Nihilators and Swords (both of whom ran forwards). The rest of the fury was dumped into the Agonizer. Everything else advanced behind the front line. Adam ran the Pistol Wraiths through the forest in front of my Nihilators and a Deathripper towards my swords. Everything else just shuffled forward.

Next turn I feated and had my Void Spirit charge the Pistol Wraiths and the Nihilators charge DJ. Nothing really happened as the Void Spirits’ damage roll was non-existent while the Nihilators only managed a couple of points on the Death Warded DJ. Adam had a great turn starting with the Withershadow Combine getting rid of Hollow on the Nihilators. Then the Cephalyx used their sprays to clear away the Nihilators engaging DJ who was then free to Telekinesis the Bronzeback so he could charge him in the back. The Bronzeback could not withstand the following onslaught, Erebus moved menacingly close to the Swords. As most of the damage was done, everything else just shuffled forward again.

The first thing that presented itself to me was the fact that my Gladiator was easily within charge range of DJ. So the Elephant poker enraged him and he charged. He was already sitting on two fury (I must’ve have miscounted previous turn) but he managed to get his Grab and Smash to work. DJ was thrown into a Deathchicken causing a little more damage, but not too much. Mordi revived a few Nihilators and placed them in charge range of the Combine, Necrotech and Darragh Wrathe. So they charged and somehow all charge targets were still sanding. The drake made good use of his spray and picked off one Cephalyx and the remaining Pistol Wraith. The last thing I did (and I still don’t know why) was charge the Swords into Erebus. They used Penetrating strike and did a little damage. Adam took his vengeance and TK’ed the Gladiator and charged him in the back as well with DJ. I lost a few more Nihilators to various parts of the Cryx force while Erebus took out a few Swords.
The Drake got in another effective spray finishing off the Cephalyx and Necrotech. The swords move away from Erebus and into DJ again not causing much damage. The Arcuarii charged into Erebus and DJ but, again, didn’t cause much damage. Mordi moved out of the safety of his forest so that he could at least Revive one Nihilator into charge range of Scavvy. They charged and very typically did practically bugger all. It was pretty much all I deserved when Adam put Ghost walk on DJ who trampled towards Mordi (who was already halfway dead from having his upkeeps wiped out in previous turns) and smacked him hard.
Not a classic with regards to my rolling and also being the victim of some good rolling (this last pic shows the damage roll for DJ charging my Glad in turn three – the red die was for location and DJ was hitting at +1).

But, without wishing to sound like Arséne Wenger, there were some positives I could take from the game. If the Nihilators had their killing heads on they certainly could have raised some hell. The Drake was awesome with it’s magic spray. Plus it has a good animus if needed. Orin certainly did his part further up the table. The rest however was poor movement on my part. The Arcuarii didn’t have the chance to do anything while the Agonizer didn’t have the opportunity to shut down either of the Arc Nodes. It also didn’t help me bottlenecking myself through some terrain.

But there is one more positive, I shouldn’t be facing Scavvy for a good long time.

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