Monday 17 May 2010

Phase in / painted up.

I just received my OOP Necrons today. Thank you Maelstrom Games! 20 Warriors, 3 Destroyers, 5 Immortals, 7 Scarabs and a Lord (this put a serious dent in this month’s finances – I had already spent my £50-60 that I allow myself). I will try and post some pics along side my the newer models. These models more or less came out when me and my friend ‘took a breather’ from the hobby and did a little growing up (and at that time I was strictly a Dark Angels man), which is why I don’t have any in my collection (not even the one GW attached to the front of White Dwarf). When I saw them on evilBay I knew I must have them, but really didn’t think it through. I don’t think that they’ll give me the impetus to play 40k a bit more as I’m thoroughly into Warmachine right now and would like to get the odd game of Infinity and/or Malifaux.

These Necrons actually came to me painted which is nice because, as I’ve said before, I hate painting (I really do). This little lot pushed my army up to 6792 points all in. I’m probably not going to play an Apocalypse game anytime soon, but it’s nice to have a large collection.

I did manage to sit down and paint for a few hours either side of the Grand Prix yesterday which I was quite surprised at. I put the finishing touches to my Menoth Choir and Vanquisher. They look like they’ve been painted by an elephant (I don’t care – they will certainly be eligible for tourneys that require painted minis), but at least they are out of the way. All of my ‘jacks are done (except for my Blessing of Vengeance) as well as my Zealots, Severius and Kreoss. I still have to finish my Monolith Bearer, Errants, Deliverers, Flameguard and Seneschal, while I need to make a start on various solos and ‘casters. Once that’s done, I’ll think about painting my Infinity and Malifaux stuff.


  1. Dan, you got the Blessing of Vengance? That jack looks freaking awesome! Do you have any of the other character jacks for Menoth?

  2. Just the Blessing for the time bieng. My next 'jack (I hope) will be a Castigator, but who knows?

  3. Castigator is fucking awesome. He's so damn useful and he's pretty well equipped for multi-tasking. Whether that's setting fire to infantry or smashing up jacks. When I played Menoth, the Castigator was a star player. :D
