The second game saw me double teamed again, but this time by Cryx and two of their handlers (also attendees of Cross Gaming Club) Jon and Rob. As I had lost the High Reclaimer in the last game, he would be lying down in a tent somewhere having his wounds tended to. So Vindictus had decided to help me out this time:
Vice Scrutator Vindictus (*6pts)
* Crusader (6pts)
* Vanquisher (8pts)
Avatar of Menoth (11pts)
Holy Zealots (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
* Holy Zealot Monolith Bearer (2pts)
Knights Exemplar (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
Vassal Mechanik (1pts)
Vassal of Menoth (2pts)
Jon was using the Coven while Rob took Skarre and they opted to go first.
They moved like lightning (compared to Menoth anyway) and their claim on both objectives.
I made my move a made my claim on one of the objectives with my Vanquisher, the Zealots would move up behind.
Turn 2 saw the Bane Knights move closer to my line along with a big scary Helljack (it’s been said before, I’m not good with names). Rob’s Nightmare harpooned my Vanq and pulled it closer in order to smack the crap out of it. Then Skarre feated, meaning that my Avatar and Crusader couldn’t attack while a few of their jacks couldn’t receive damage. Not cool.
Turn 3 was absolutely gobsmacking! The Cryx player got Skarre to cast Ghost Walk and well… the pic shows what happened, I don’t need to say anything.
Again, I am undone by the positioning of my caster. My whole positioning during set up was kind lame as well. I think I really need to read up on the many enemies at some point. Again I was probably too conservative with some units. The Knights probably could have done more as could the Crusader and AoM.
But hey, there was still some more time to show what Menoth can do…
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