Friday, 20 August 2010

This week has seen a (at least I think so) massive effort made, by me, to paint the rest of my force. I have gotten most of it done, but can see myself doing some major painting in my hotel room tonight. Most of the army has been done.

Kreoss – painted and based
Vanquisher – painted and based
Fire of Salvation – currently only two colours
Devout – painted and based
Choir – painted and based
Errants, UA and Seneschal – painted
Zealots – painted and based
Monolith Bearer – mostly painted
Bastions – under coated

Whilst writing this list out, I have been hit by the realisation that I didn’t bring my static grass with me. I am so annoyed at my self. Anywho, as you can see I still have a bit of work tonight. Plus I have to make my control banners and to paint the arc markers on the bases. I’m just going to attempt tp just paint Menofixes on the bases (which I have liberated from models I haven’t een put together yet). I was originally going to paint Menofixes for the markers, but I can tell now that I will not have the patience. I will have to just shut my mind off and watch some WWE that I was saving for the train journey.

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