Thursday, 12 August 2010

Stupid compulsive tendencies!

I have done something a bit wrong. It’s going to hurt me very a lot. As I was purchasing some Flameguard Cleansers, a Reclaimer, an Allegiant and a couple of Redeemers (for the small campaign that's just starting at the club), I had a quick peek to see if the Skorne book was out yet. It wasn’t ( I looked on the 10th but the book was due for release on the 11th) and I had a quick look over at the Retribution stuff. I’ve been intrigued since they first came into the Warmachine world. Maelstrom Games only had the hard back book, and as I’m not a fan of hard backs I looked away. It wasn’t until I realised that I keep meaning to get some templates when I buy things, that I went back to Maelstrom and looked. They were out of stock, so I looked at Wayland Games, who did have some. As I placed my order, but before I paid, I had a look at the Retribution stuff. And they had copies of the soft back version. So I ordered one. I said I wasn’t going to start my second force until the Skorne book was released as I wanted a Hordes army. I’m still going to get a Skorne force (Mildred the Razorworm will need some company at some point), but that plan has been pushed back a little as I’m really discovering all that the Tiered Menoth lists have to offer. Then maybe after I was happy with my Skorne force I would go back to Warmachine for a third army, which in all likelihood would have been Retribution. But now I’ve shaken my own plans. I don’t know what I’m doing now. I should probably shake some sense into myself and simply just read the book when it arrives and stick to the original plan.

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