So after a long and eventful while, I am back to post again. I think it would be too much work now for me to post up various battle reports, despite keeping a photographic trail of my gaming misery. I may post a selection of pics of certain points in games where things actually went my way. I might actually make a new post titled ‘How to have a caster/lock killed’.
I have finished up a unit of Cataphract Arcuarii for my Skorne force. They took up a fair amount of time (which has been made even longer due to doing a lot of proof reading for an article my wife is writing. But I’m happy they are done. I had actually started off with Lord Tyrant Xerxis, the head of my army (and number one bad man).
Today’s post, however, will about me and my least favourite aspect of the hobby: painting. I have recently caught the painting bug and have put my head down and got on with it. I think it’s to with buying a new paintbrush. There has been a bit of discussion about various brushes on the Cross Gaming Club forums and I thought I would investigate. As soon as I started to use my new Windsor and Newton Series 7, I found out that I’m just as bad as ever. This is not to say that the new brush doesn’t work in my hand, no sir. What I’m experiencing might be the painting equivalent of the placebo effect. I have now tricked my brain into thinking I’m either slightly better or slightly more patience (I’m leaning towards the latter).
So, what have I done? This:
I have finished up a unit of Cataphract Arcuarii for my Skorne force. They took up a fair amount of time (which has been made even longer due to doing a lot of proof reading for an article my wife is writing. But I’m happy they are done. I had actually started off with Lord Tyrant Xerxis, the head of my army (and number one bad man).
I have followed this scheme with my Cetrati
You can see that there will be a lot of Dark Angel Green at the centre of my army. This is because a) for PP games I don’t like sticking with the studio colour schemes and more importantly b) I have no more Dark Angels to paint. Because I have become disillusioned with the direction GW appear to be going, I have sold pretty much all of my 40k and fantasy minis. I have the last of my minis on sale now on eBay and hope to be shot of them next week. It hasn’t been easy getting to grips with the idea of selling over 13,000 of Dark Angels, nearly 7000 points of Necrons about (I never got around to actually adding it up after the new book release) 4000 points of Dwarfs and quite a lot of Daemons and Warriors of Chaos. No, it’s been heart-wrenching at times. I have kept a few minis that I really like (both C’tan gods, a Terminator Chaplain for examples). But I can tell you that I have a lot more space now, which the wife appreciates.
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