Lots has happened in my little part of the gaming environment. There have been regular games down at the club, all of which require some sort of battle report. There has been a major shake up in my collecting of minis for wargaming, a potential real life crisis actually. And there have been some slightly different ideas for future projects that may never take off.
To start off, some form of battle reporting. I have had a few WM/Hordes campaign games at the club. All have been great games. I’ll start her by going over the Round 2 games. I think that the first one that I forgot to write a report for was a very fine game against Oli and his Legion. I don’t remember much about this game (except that I lost and it was an AWESOME game). I think it was the first time that I used a second unit of Zealots in my list. Using a second unit of Zealots seems to be a staple with my campaign Warcasters, Vindictus and the High Reclaimer. I think in this game I came nowhere near Oli’s ‘caster but certainly made him think about positioning. My play was maybe a touch too aggressive (in a game that applauds aggressiveness) and I ended up leaving the Reclaimer too open.
Next up was a 40 point game against Marcus and his Khador. We played the special ‘break week’ scenario which involved two ‘casters per side. This was a totally kick-ass game!. This is the first game in which I used Vindictus and the Avatar of Menoth. This was a huge game with no less than 11 ‘jacks, more than half of which were heavy! The scenario involved me putting one of my ‘casters and part of my force in the centre of the table with the rest at the back of my deployment zone. Marcus’ force would come on en masse and try and kill both of my ‘casters. There is a lot of animosity on my part for Marcus’ Old Witch and her Scrapjack. The amount of times that they have caused me and my army pain is almost innumerable (maybe three or four times – which seems like a lot). Needless to say, with Vindictus as bait, the High Reclaimer made a beeline to the Old Witch. This was successful as both the Old Witch and her annoying puppy Scrapjack succumbed to Menoth’ righteous fury. After all of this, I lost Vindictus which evened things up. There was an enormous amount of carnage after that with ‘jacks just getting wrecked and Menites and Khadorians alike spilling their blood. The Menite deaths started to fuel the High Reclaimer with souls to further boost his might. So he used this large pool of Focus to cast spell after spell which for the most part failed. What he should have done was keep all of the Focus on himself in order to overboost his powerfield (he would have had armour 35 or something) which would have stopped the Khadorian ‘jacks from stomping all over him.
This was a crazy scenario that kept the excitement levels very high throughout the game. And it was actually great using two ‘casters in one game and I hope to get the opportunity again in the near future.
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