Wednesday, 7 March 2012

The madness in planning.

I’ve mostly been a game by game guy. But, as a previous post last (Post Slow Grow plans) month and what I’m going to write here will suggest, it looks like that I’m starting to think about the future a lot more. However, I find that bad (in this context, bad usually has something to do with going over my monthly minis budget) things have a better chance of happening when I think. As in the above mentioned post, I said that the plan was to take Skorne to tournaments in the summer and then go back to the Protectorate, with a smattering of Infinity and Malifaux along the way. The plan is under threat of becoming undone because I was hit by the idea of taking PoM instead of Skorne to this year’s tourneys. The reason I originally wanted to take Skorne was that they are not far away from being a completely painted army. Nearly two thirds are painted and based while out of the rest pretty much most of them just require finishing touches and basing. But if I took PoM, I could use these tourneys as an incentive to paint this force as it has long been overdue.
In other news, my eyes are beginning to wander again. Going into the Slow Grow, I was toying with the idea of starting a Coven army. I still might at some point, but not yet. At least I hope not yet. It is taking every ounce off my will to try and put this out of my mind. I can tell you that I am succeeding at the moment because I have found something else to obsess over. However, a new faction is not something I need at the moment or at any point in the near to medium future. What I do need is the tabletop gaming equivalent of a cold shower. I have more than enough factions to get my head around. Warcasters and Warlocks I have yet to buy in order to command my forces, units and beasts and jacks to further bolster my lines, and of course, those models that I already exist in my collections that have not quite seen the light of day yet. But other factions/models (especially my new obsession) just look like too much fun to use.

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